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CBS Hosts East Granby High School Students

Recently CBS welcomed 25 local East Granby High School students who are enrolled in Manufacturing I and Advanced Manufacturing II courses offered by EGHS.  The students were shown a video presentation educating them about the manufacturing and aerospace industry as a whole, followed by a question and answer session.  During the discussion were insights to the many opportunities that exist within the industry in addition to the importance of education.


The students were then given a tour of the facility to experience the many facets of the business that exist under the same roof of an aerospace manufacturing company.  From CNC lathes, to CNC mills and through engineering and inspection the students were extremely attentive.  It was an absolute pleasure to host the students, and CBS hopes to continue the trend of greater youth participation within the aerospace manufacturing industry.


This opportunity to engage local high school awareness stems from CBS’ participation in developing and encouraging the next generation to get involved within the manufacturing industry.  Clifford Lawton actively works with Asnuntuck Community College’s advanced manufacturing technology program, of which he has been a member of their advisory board since 2010.  CBS has joined with Asnuntuck in sponsoring scholarships and providing internships which allow its students to gain experience both in a classroom setting and as an intern at CBS for an entire semester.  In addition, Clifford Lawton is on the Board of Advisors of East Granby High School’s 5th Year Associates Degree Program. The 5th year program has played a role in introducing advanced manufacturing to students at East Granby High School.  This program is the first program of its kind in the United States to enable high school students to achieve an associate’s degree after 1 year of post graduate work by working in conjunction with a community college throughout their high school years.  This is helping students to reduce college expenses and achieve a career path in a reduced timeframe.


For more information on Asnuntuck Community College's manufacturing technology program, follow the link HERE.

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